Seal Online Wiki
The Holy & Unholy Swords Quest Chart
Start of Holy & Unholy Swords Quest
↓↓ Noble's Name Quest
Albereo's Medicine Quest ↓↓ Strange Initials Quest Lionel's Letter Quest
Boy Named Albereo Quest ↙↘ Tirbing's Maker Quest Something Given to Albereo Quest
Wilphson's Receipt Quest Promise With Kane Quest
Convincing Gardel Quest Syllable Cards Quest Questions for Aaron Quest
Shezinie Quest Puppet Quest Friend of Kane Quest
Maker of Tirbing Quest Silvein's Fortune Telling Quest Aesa's Wish Quest
Boy named Sate Quest
310AD, Clements Cave (Fake) Quest

The Holy & Unholy Swords Quest[]

The Holy & Unholy Swords Quest is a main quest that sends the player on a quest to find out what happened to the legendary swords of Shiltz.

It can be started after level 25. However, it is not recommended to start early if the player wishes to maximize his/her fame. Once the player has reached a certain amount of fame, he/she cannot take quests from Quest Center Manager or High Level Quest Manager. It is not easy to complete this quest and the player might end up with too many quest cards taking up inventory space.


Some quests have prerequisites e.g. completing another quest. It is recommended that the player checks before attempting the quest.

In the Promise With Kane Quest, it is expected for you to enter without him and attempt to get out. There are fake exits. Only one is real. That cave is a good place to level. One should note that the player cannot enter that cave once past Level 50.

Quest Table[1][]

  • The main quest should be completed in the following order.
Quest NPC Exp Fame Cegel Other Rewards
Start of Holy & Unholy Swords Quest Peterson 20
Start NPC:

Peterson - In the door to Year 330 behind D.End


Lvl. 25+

Quests Needed:
  • Finished talking to Joan.
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Fame: 20

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

The Holy Sword
Albereo's Medicine Quest Albereo 4,250 + 2,480 + 4,250 (10,980 total) 30 + 30 + 220 (280 total) 500 + 500 + 500 (1,500 total)
Start NPC:

Albereo - Upstairs near the way to clements mine in Zaid


Lvl. 10+
Fame: 120+

Quests Needed:

None Needed

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 4,250 + 2,480 + 4,250 (10,980 total)
Fame: 30 + 30 + 220 (280 total)
Cegel: 500 + 500 + 500 (1,500 total)

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None
Boy Named Albereo Quest D.Swordend 8000 900
Start NPC:

D.Swordend - Tower of Training

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 8000
Fame: 900

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

The Unholy Sword
Noble's Name Quest Noblewoman 20
Start NPC:

Noblewoman - Elim Tavern

Quests Needed:

None Needed

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Fame: 20

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Strange Initials Quest Strange Writing 6,380 370
Start NPC:

Strange Writing - Zaid(E8)

Quests Needed:

Noble's Name Quest

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 6,380
Fame: 370

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Tirbing's Maker Quest D.Swordend 8000 900
Start NPC:

D.Swordend - Tower of Training

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 8000
Fame: 900

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Wilphson's Receipt Quest Wilphson 80 140
Start NPC:

Wilphson - Inside Elim Tavern

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 80
Fame: 140

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Convincing Gardel Quest Gardel
Start NPC:

Gardel - Near the shore in Land's End

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None
Shezinie Quest Shezinie 4250 2000
Start NPC:

Shezinie - West of Laywook Forest


Fame: 14,019+

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 4250
Fame: 2000

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Maker of Tirbing Quest D.Swordend 8000(+33,000) 900(+2,040)
Start NPC:

D.Swordend - Any Tower of Training

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 8000(+33,000)
Fame: 900(+2,040)

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Boy named Sate Quest Sate
Start NPC:

Sate - Lake Cross

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None
Kane and his friends' Series
Lionel's Letter Quest Lionel 8,000 220 4,000
Start NPC:

Lionel - Elim


Lvl. 15+

Quests Needed:

None Needed

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 8,000
Fame: 220
Cegel: 4,000

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Something Given to Albereo Quest Kane 2480 30
Start NPC:

Kane - Zaid


Fame: 50

Quests Needed:

None Needed

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 2480
Fame: 30

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None
[[*Promise With Kane Quest]] Kane 6380 + 0 80 + 80 Lv 14 Weapon for your job
Start NPC:

Kane - Zaid


Lvl. 15+ (Swordsmen) or 17+ (Jester)
Fame: 50

Quests Needed:

Something Given to Albereo Quest

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 6380 + 0
Fame: 80 + 80
Others: Lv 14 Weapon for your job

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None
Questions for Aaron Quest Kane 6,380 50
Start NPC:

Kane - Zaid


Fame: 1,220+

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 6,380
Fame: 50

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Friend of Kane Quest Kane 4250 80
Start NPC:

Kane - Zaid

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 4250
Fame: 80

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Puppet Quest Puppet Master 140 Lovely Puppet
Start NPC:

Puppet Master - Lime

Quests Needed:

None Needed

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Fame: 140
Others: Lovely Puppet

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Syllable Cards Quest Slay Lovely Puppet
Start NPC:

Slay - Lime

Quests Needed:

"Aesa's Wish" in progress

Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Others: Lovely Puppet

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Aesa's Wish Quest Hegel 1,450 + 42,250 80 + 380 Crystal x1
Start NPC:

Hegel - Lime


Fame: 4,635+

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: No

Exp: 1,450 + 42,250
Fame: 80 + 380
Others: Crystal x1

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

Silvein's Fortune Telling Quest Silvein 3,000 300
Start NPC:

Silvein - Madelin

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 3,000
Fame: 300

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

310AD, Clements Cave (Fake) Quest D.Swordend 20,000 500
Start NPC:

D.Swordend - Tower of Training

Quests Needed:
Repeatable: Not Repeatable

Exp: 20,000
Fame: 500

Previous Quest: None
Next Quest: None

