Seal Online Wiki


Entering the Sage Tower[]

Please make sure you have completed the Sikhara Valley and Investigate Twisted Dimension Quests. 

The Sage Tower Floors 1 & 2[]

This guide will be showing the steps needed to complete the Sage Tower quests and move up to the top.


1st Floor[]

1. To enter the tower, you should equip the Cape of Balie’s Organization and you should be in a party.


2. Once inside, talk to the Shut Door. The Security Captain will then ask you if you have the Mark of the Balie.


3. You will then be taken inside and you have to fight your way to defeat the Balie Boss. After defeating the Boss, you’ll see a Blie’s Mark NPC. Talk to it to obtain the mark.

Inside Door
Balie Boss
Balie Mark

4. After obtaining the Mark, look for NPC Seraph on the right part of the Altar near a cracked wall. He will then teleport you to another area.


5. You’ll find yourself on a new map that looks like a prison. Follow the path to the left to find a portal and inside the room, a sunken bridge.

Sinked Bridge

6. Your objective is now to drain the water so you can pass. Go back to the previous room and wander around until you find the NPC Mounds. Investigate the area to get a key.


7. Now follow the path just outside the sunken bridge and you’ll eventually find a Steel-Barred Gate. Talk to this gate and Duran will then lend a hand and will let you inside.

Steel Barred

8. Once inside the prison, defeat the boss and go down the path by using the key obtained earlier.

To Down

9. You’ll find a lever on the next room. Use it to drain the water for the bridge. Now go back to that room and enter the exit portal to go outside.


10. You will now have to find the Alchemy room. To find it, look for the door NPC “To Inside”. Better prepare your party before going in. Expect a battle inside the Alchemy Room.


11. On the next room, kill the Boss alchemist. After killing it, an NPC named “Alchemist Corpse” will appear. Do not talk to the Corpse just yet. Investigate the bookshelf first. Talking to t he corpse will kick you out of the room and you can't enter again when this happens. If you are stuck, drop the Ice Seal Scroll.

Boss Alchemist

12. Investigate the corpse to get the item “Manual for unseal an Ice Seal” and then you will be teleported outside the room. Go back inside and investigate the Bookshelf.

Ice Seal
Book Shelf

13. Now look for the Huge Door with Pink Crystals. Locating it might take a while as the place is crawling with strong enemies.

Pink Door

14. Prepare for battle. You’ll be fighting against 2 bosses and their mobs inside the Center Altar.

Center Altar

15. After defeating the guards, you may now talk to Aleister inside the Center Altar.


16. Now go enter the door behind the Alter to Enter the 2nd Floor of the Tower.

To Tower


2nd Floor []


• Please make sure you have completed the Sage Tower 1st Floor. This is the continuation of that quest.

1. In the last room, you’ve talked with Aleister and now you have entered the tower. You’ll find yourself on a spiral staircase of sorts where you’ll see jets of flame shooting upwards. Just follow the upward path to find the door for the 2nd floor.

Fire Pillar
Water Entrance

2. Enter the room and you will find a Suspicious Sign in the middle of the room.  Investigate the sign to get some clues. "Earth protects where the people worship." "Find one but lose one. If you don't go where you must, you will lose a friend."


3. Please note that the Water Room is a Labyrinth of sorts and it is easy to lose your way on this maze so please refer to the diagram below for guidance. W stands for Warp and R stands for Room.

Maze Guide

4. Find the Sobbing/Crying Fairy and talk to her.  Take her quest and find the Lost Fairy. (From the initial room [R0], go straight then on the next room [R1-2] take the portal on the right [R3].)

Crying Fairy

5. Find the Lost Fairy and talk to her (Take the north portal of the room where you found the crying fairy and you’ll reach room [R4]). Then go back and report to the Crying fairy and receive some rewards (The easiest way to go back to the crying fairy is to keep on taking the warp portal on the right side of the room starting from the Lost Fairy area).

Lost Fairy

6. Next mission is to get to the Boss room. To make it easier, we will use the room of the Crying Fairy as a Landmark. From that room [R3], take the north portal to get to the Lost Fairy Room [R4]. From the Lost Fairy room, take the portal on the right to reach [R5]. On room [R5] take the north portal to reach room 6 [R6]. And this is how Room 6 looks like:

Room 6

7. Kill all the enemies if you have to and then proceed to the door. Please note that you will be facing several Boss Alchemists in the next room and a few guards. They will poison you most of the time, so it’s best to be prepared.

To Inside

8. Once inside, just finish off the enemies and the Boss Rascal Rabbit. It’s better not to get the Rabbit’s attention at first. Just lure the guards and alchemists first to clear them before engaging the Boss Rascal Rabbit.

Boss Rascal

•Some of the Boss Rascal Rabbit moves are as follows:

Rascal 1
Rascal 2
Rascal 3
Rascal 4
Rascal 5
Rascal 6

9. After defeating the Boss Monster, you’ll see an Ice Shard pop up where the rabbit laid down and died. You’ll also receive an Exchange coupon for the item Jikael’s Helm or Tiphareth Helm. Now talk to the Alchemist of Balie.

Balie Alchemist
Portal Up

Take the bottom portal to reach the balcony where the NPC is.

10. After talking to him the second time, you will be summoned by a Mysterious Mage and he will claim that he saved you (Because the other followers are bombing the place). After your conversation, you will be sent back to where Arus is.

Mysterious Mage

11. To exchange the ticket, head to Sevis and look for Sabin. She will ask for 120 pcs of Strange Whetstone with Balie's Soul. Bring it to her to get the items. Please also note that you have to be a 2nd class character or else she’ll just tell you that “you are missing something”. If you’ve killed Jikael, she will talk about “the mysterious mage”. Note: Sabin will ask for Grind Stone. Don't mind that, she's asking for the Strange Whetstone.



Sage Tower Floors 3 & 4

Sage Tower 5 & 6
